SENCO - Speeding up the diagnostic process
Simplify diagnosis
We understand the challenges you face as dedicated SENCOs and classroomteachers. Your time is valuable, and we want to support you in speeding up andsimplifying the diagnostic process for you and your students
As you know, accurate data is vital for Educational Psychologists to identify your students' strengths and unique challenges. Particularly in relation to the guiding principles of the British Psychological Societies’, continued difficulties despite interventions and appropriate learningopportunities often indicate a potential diagnosis. However, we also recognise that gathering the necessary evidence to support this can be quite challenging, especially when time and resources are limited.
That's why we're excited to introduce you to Flippd, a platform designed to streamline the intervention process while also monitoring their effectiveness. With Flippd, you'll have the power to easily manage interventions, track their success, and make informed decisions about whether to switch them out if needed. The platform also generates comprehensive reports that provide valuable insights for your Educational Psychologists, allowing them to make a final diagnosis with confidence.
Say goodbye to missed interventions and lengthly paperwork
Never have to reschedule a Educational Pschologist visit again
Shorten the time between identification and diagnosis.
Maximise efficiency with early identification and personalised support.
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