Our Story

Our story

Meet our CEO

Meet Jerneva our CEO and a proud dyslexic individual. Her journey hasn't been easy. Jerneva understands the struggles that come with dyslexia because she's experienced them firsthand. She remembers the frustration of being laughed at and mocked for her reading, spelling abilities and low-grades. It made her doubt her own intelligence and worth. Everything changed for Jerneva when, at the age of 17, she finally received a diagnosis of dyslexia, bringing her a sense of understanding.

With the support of her college and SEN teachers, she pursued a BTEC, And guess what? She excelled, leaving college with a remarkable DDM (Distinction Distinction Merit), which is equivalent to an ABB. She continued her education at university, where she achieved a first honours degree.

Through her personal journey, Jerneva realised that her story of a late diagnosis was far too common. Shockingly, 80% of dyslexic students leave school undiagnosed. It's not just that; there are other distressing statistics, such as over 50% of inmates in the UK prison system being dyslexic and up to 56% of individuals in youth offending institutions are dyslexic. Moreover, students with special educational needs are at a higher risk of being excluded. But what if I told you that much of this could be prevented with early and accurate diagnosis, coupled with the right level of support?

That's precisely why Jerneva established Flippd. The teams mission is to ensure that dyslexic students reach their full potential, avoiding falling through the cracks and into the unfortunate path to exclusion-to-prison pipeline. Jerneva no longer view dyslexia as a weakness, but rather as her superpower. And her goal? To empower others to embrace this perspective and experience the same sense of strength and possibility.